
Sifu Kurt Scott has been a Practitioner of Lung Ying KungFu for over 35 years. He first became Interested in the practice of QiGong after injuring himself during a training trip to Hong Kong. Noting how full of energy and youthful some of the Hong Kong Sifu’s (Masters) were well into their advanced years, Sifu Scott explored the options of studying Chinese QiGong (energy work) and traditional medicine. Now a Chinese Medicine Doctor both in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine and an expert QiGong Master, Sifu Scott says that he feels very blessed to have discovered such a treasure as “Great Dragon QiGong” The Mental, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual benefits are truly something unattainable in the west and when practiced regularly are life changing.
Sifu Kurt teaches beginners, intermediate and advanced level Qigong in a 10 week programme and has a number of corporate clients at present. To learn Qigong one-to-one or sign-up for one of our 10 week programme packages please contact us through email.